Monday, June 30, 2014

Workout Recap - Week 2

Mownin' everyone.  So here's another recap of my  fitness goal  for last week. (2nd week).  I had a good  performance from the previous  week that it took me harder to  pass it but I did good as far as my standard goal.  So here's what I have accomplished (Yes, for me that is an accomplishment lol).

June 23 (Monday) - after a day off from my cardio, starting the week was a bit hard but I managed to burn 650 calories  in 51 minutes and looking back from my first week, I burned the same calories on my 4th day but my time was 2 minutes ahead this time, and I am happy with that.

*I also  rode  a bike with my kids for 15 minutes around our neighborhood!
* 5 minutes planking - 5 reps - 60 seconds each

June 24 (Tuesday) - I was  energized  on this day so I managed to burned 710 calories in 55 minutes.  Compared to my last workout the previous week,  the calories burned have increased and the time was decreased in 4 minutes, so yay!  Other workout includes 5 minutes planking,  20 sit ups, and  10 minutes hula hooping.
June 25 (Wednesday) - I up my game for this day burning 725 calories in 54.30 minutes.  I think the  milk shake (cucumber, kashi, and  honey dew eon + milk) that I made boost my energy.  I also did 5 minutes planking and 10 minutes hula hoops.
June 26 (Thursday) - I burned 730 calories this time in 54 minutes.  I only did 2 minutes planking and 20  squats today.
June 27 - I did not do any cardio today, my body wasn't feeling it.  However, I did 20 squats and  2 minutes planking.  Me and the kids played bean bag toss and horse shoe pitch at our  backyard so that was my main  work out.
June 28 (Saturday) - No cardio today as well, blame it on  the woman body routine.  I am glad it came a week early though because I can enjoy   my time in the beach  next week!!!  I did 20 squats and 2 minutes planking, that's all I can do  because my dysmenorrhea is so bad.  My two week challenge  is slowly paying off , I can see   a small result on my tummy.

June 29 (Sunday) - rest day for me as I was bleeding heavily.  Spent the time  with family and did some house chores (laundry and cooking), that was my exercise for the day.  Notes on my second week.  Still did walking  bu I  increased the speed from 3.0 to 3.5, still on 10% grade incline.
This week will be a new challenge.  I still can't do cardio today but will figure out something else.
I'll keep you updated  in the next week to come. Hope you can join me with my fitness goal.  I need a buddy to motivate me even if online lol.  Actually, my husband motivates me as he is doing the same.  He  lost  a good amount of unwanted fats  already as you can see in the  pictures below.
I know it is hard to get motivated sometimes but if you set your mind to it, you an achieve something even a small progress.  Jotting down/keeping a record of what you do helps too.  Have a great week everyone!


  1. Great result! Hard work and discipline indeed pays off! It's also great that your husband is buddy in this journey :). Reminds me to be consistent with my workout and weight loss journey too.

  2. Keep up the good work. So glad I don't have to deal with that woman thing anymore. Wish I had your energy.

  3. That is awesome that both of you are working out together and motivating each other, great results!! Congrats!

  4. That is not a small feat at all. Your reap the reward of your hard work. I can see the abs.

  5. wow keep it up gurl. That is absolutely lots of calories has burnt. LOL my work out here is doing laundry and I believe I lose weight too. hahaha!

  6. Wowowee!! You guys rock!! Not only you have abs but your dear hubby is looking good over there. I am on my way of getting 6 packs abs too ha ha. I tried a Jillian work out and almost killed myself. I know i have to do it more and more until I will get used to it.

  7. yay, way to go both...I can see the difference!

  8. I hope my comment went through...may glitch!


  9. Wow mommy, your husband really is doing a great job. What a transformation. And you too. We gotta stay fit and healthy. :) You go for it!

  10. I admire your determination to stay on the healthy side of life! 10 years ago, I only weighed 49 kilos on a 5'2" frame! How I wish I could get back in that body!

  11. Great job! I need to get myself something to count the calories, that would probably help motivate me more & keep me in track.

  12. Wow! you guys are so conscious about your figure. I like it. Sis do share naman your latest photo para makita namin ang present sexiness mo. wink.

  13. Wow! In just a week!! That's awesome!!! I wish I can do that too! I used to do some abs workout but I stopped when I got sick, now I am gaining weight again! huhuhu! and I really hate it! Good for you sis!

    1. No sis, this is a two week result. It's not that easy to shed that tummy fats. I am still working oon it although I am on halt as I have my period, grrrr.

  14. Wow! Gosh! the results are great! Oh my. "if you set your mind to it, you can achieve something even a small progress."

    Thanks for the words of wisdom :)

    Lysa of

    1. You are welcome, I am glad I could inspire someone.

  15. You look amazing! I am really trying to get into a workout routine and this looks perfect.

    1. Thanks Chrissy, I am not to where I want to be but I am determined to get there.

  16. Youir progress is amazing and more than a little inspiring! When you list your milkshake ingredients I wondered what you meant by 'Kashi'? Do you mean Kashi cereal?

    1. Yes, I meant Kashi cereal. I am not really of eating cereal but I don't m,ind it on milkshake. Thanks.

  17. You go girl! Those results are great and it's amazing that you're staying motivated. I definitely need to update my workout routine and get back on track. :)

  18. Wow...keep up the great work!! The both of you have some awesome results!

  19. Wow great job! very inspiring

  20. Go, go, go!!! You must feel so accomplished. Your hard work is paying off.

  21. You are so disciplined! I wish I could be, too, but household chores and my online work get in the way of exercise and daily workouts. Sigh!

  22. Wow! You've motivated me to do a workout next week! This week is like a rest week for me but I'll work harder this time.. Thanks for this!

  23. You're both doing a great job! Congratulations! And best wishes for the future!

  24. Great job! it really works for you. it will make you stronger and healthier with this fit challenge, you will look good too physically. Love the photos!

  25. You're doing an amazing job! I can see that you're really determined at achieving your goals. Way to go, Rose!


  26. I admire moms who have ample time to work out and stick with it. I lack discipline on this. You're my new fit inspiration sis.


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