Thursday, August 14, 2014

Officially Enrolled for the School Year 2014-2015

Kids are officially enrolled today.  We went early but they were already so many  people out there so we had to fall in line.  Hubby and I  set aside a certain amount  for school tuition so that when it's time to  enroll, we can just pay it all upfront.  Here's the breakdown of our payments ($3,725):
  • $3,255 - tuition (fully paid)
  • $400 - books
  • $70 - Discount Cards

We brought all their school supplies and they put it away in their classrooms. My daughter's  teacher is  the teacher aide that they have  last year, she doesn't talk much but she's nice.     
 Here's my son with his classmate Haley.
 My son's  teacher is super nice and very organized.  You will really know what to do as parents because she  make sure to  put it in writing which I really love!
 MY daughter loved her when she was in second grade.  She said that she   might  be the hardest one that she's had but she learned so much.
 We brought home their textbooks.  We covered them , put their name tags on it, and got it ready for MOnday!
I have  some forms to  fill up such as the lunch charts and I need to make  check for it.  I also have to fill up the form for the volunteer work  during lunch preparations.
 In private school, we have to pay our tuition, books, food, every parents also does volunteer work during lunch time as  only one employees is hired in the cafeteria, the rest are all volunteers.
Every year, we pick one Mom to be the classroom Mom.  Classroom Moms plays a major role in assisting the teachers  during  special events and occasions.  

It is expensive to send your kids to private school but it's worth every penny because the teacher can really focus on each child since there not many students in one class.   We also love the fact that the kids can still learn about God in the classroom.   


  1. I taught at a private school several years ago. The one I taught at was very low quality compared to the public schools in the area though. I even had to buy my own chalk.

    1. Yeah, teachers and parents have to buy everything they need. Over here, teachers are really good.

  2. I think it is a wonderful opportunity when you can send your kids to private school. I love that you're so happy with your decision too!

  3. I can't believe it's back to school already, the Summer flew by. My kids start Wednesday :)

  4. I always remember the thrill of going back to school... I couldn't sleep the night before. Then I was always worried I would get lost. Glad those years are over!

  5. Wow, so expensive but school is so important for children. My daughter goes back September 2nd, right after Labor Day.

  6. I may be an odd one out but BTS freaks me out, thank goodness I have a few years to think about which direction I want to go!

  7. School is so very expensive and mine head back to class in just a couple of days! Wow, this Summer is over already!!!

  8. I hope that they have a great school year! This summer flew by so quickly!

  9. Where the heck did summer go? We have never thought about doing private school, but our neighbors do and they seem to like it. It's not in our budget, but maybe one day!

  10. How fun!! I wish tuition where I live was that cheap! Any who....I wish you the best of years!! :)

  11. I am sure everyone is very thrilled to go back to school on Monday...

  12. It is a good idea to pay upfront so you do not have to worry about it later on. Good job! You are a good money manager.

  13. I wish I could of afforded private school for my kids but sometimes you can't do it all. Looks like they have a very nice school. I know they are happy to be going back. I know my grandchildren were starting to get bored.

  14. Kudos to parents who put education a top priority for their kids. I have know idea if the tuition fees you paid is cheap?

  15. Good luck to your kids! I'm sure they'll do great in school! I love that they leave their school supplies in school. That lessens the kids' load when they travel to and from school each day.

  16. I'm happy for them, and they'll forward their lives to the future. Good children breeds good citizens.

  17. Yehey!! My kids are officially enrolled too sis. The amount you posted above is for both of your kids? We pay $6000 for both of my kids plus other fees. How I wish it's cheaper so I don't need to do wo part time jobs. Oh well, we love the Christian school where they are now so it's all worth it.

  18. I bet they will learn more interesting stuff. It's nice to be classroom mom because you can get to watch your kid's performance in the classroom.

  19. pricey! i love how you do things together to prepare tho. being in a private school that allows god into it do they also do the pledge of allegiance? ive always thought that was so important.

  20. i did all these school preparation for the first time this year + i was really excited + anxious at the same time. i think i did good + was able to prepare everything on time. but now that i think about it, i got caught up in the excitement of preparations, i was not able to blog about it! :)

  21. Yay! I'm sure your kids are very excited to start the school year with a bang.

  22. Yay! Time for schooling - every kid is excited especially when its the start of school!


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