Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tomato Juice

 We have an abundant  cherry tomatoes  at our garden and we couldn't eat them all so we have been juicing them.  Ms.  Burrito is very  enthusiastic in helping Mommy juice it.  
 She find it so much fun to grind the juicer.  She also plays with the  remains (skin and seeds) after the juice has run out.  She makes it into balls.  I think it would be nice if I have a big a land and I can spread this seeds and  I have many  in the next year hehehe.  I actually did not plant my cherry tomatoes this year, they just came back from the ones I had last year.
 We had fun looking at the skin and seeds coming down with a hole in the middle.
 I bought two dozens of jars  from the store and now I am out again.  Gotta buy   another   case  because I have many to   juice once again.
I just have one question, how come it is called canning when in fact we are using  jars instead of cans?  Would it be appropriate to call the process jarring instead of canning?  Just  asking hehehe.
ABC WednesdayPink Saturday


  1. Looks like a useful process
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Homemade juice is the absolute BEST.

  3. Yes, I think "jarring" is a great new word for what you and your darling little daughter are doing. And Healthy Jarring too.

  4. That looks wonderful. Homemade is always best.

  5. appropriately called it.. JUICE IN JARS...
    good job..and.. truly called "F"itness.."F"amily..."F"ashion and "F"luid(cherry tomatoes juice)

  6. As sauce it looks much better in the jars then the procedure before, lol !

  7. Looks really healthy.
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  8. It is a good idea to keep the little ones busy around the kitchen so they will develop a love for cooking and food preparation. Mine is in charge of our Mango tree :)

  9. It's important to keep the little ones involved in the kitchen so they will develop an affinity for cooking. Mine is in charge of our mango tree :)

  10. I used to love tomato juice but these days I don't care for it at all.

  11. I always thought it should be called Jarring instead of canning too!
    All my Southern aunts used to just call all this saving of food "Putting up" as in she was Putting up juice or Putting up corn.
    That made sense because they were Putting the jars Up on the shelf for Winter.

  12. I don't know why it is called canning but you have a point. That juice looks great.

  13. Glad you get the kids involved in your healthy food preparation projects. I love tomatoes, by the way!


  14. Looks like fun ~ lots of great colors and photos ~ fun family ~ (A Creative Harbor)

    Thanks for coming by and commenting ^_^

  15. Mmmm! I have just a few tomatoes, enough for salad and a few to turn into sauce, but not enough to can... or jar. :)

  16. Tomatoes a re really good for you!

  17. Thanks for posting - I love tomato juice. You have a great blog

  18. Wonderful photos of a process maybe not too enjoyable, but rewarding.

  19. Beautiful Rose! Is there a verb to bottle? Then you can say that you have been bottling your vegetables. What are you going to do with so many bottles? Like Hazel says : they fight cancer.

  20. Is the day 'canned' when you can't do anything else but preserve your produce?

  21. Looks like a fun thing to do with your daughter and great use of extra tomatoes. Carver, ABC-W team

  22. Wish I lived nearby. I dearly love tomatoes. They are so good anyway you use them.

  23. oh, they look beautiful! how do you prepare them to put in the jars? I see a pot, so I guess you cook them - I'd love a recipe!

  24. Happy Pink Saturday. Wow, just look at all of those tomatoes. I could use a helper like yours.♥


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