Monday, June 15, 2015

Walking 2.4 Miles with my Burritos, Our Little Troopers

When my kids learned that I walked going to Marland Heights, their first question was "Did you bring something to protect you from bad guys?"  I told them that I picked up a palm size rock just in case I have to  defend myself lol.  They they asked me if they can  join me  next time.  I told them that we have to practice  first before they can go on a  long walk like that so they agreed.  We have been going  around our neighborhood walking almost everyday  after they got off from school.  

On June 4, after I jogged, they asked if we can go to Pap's  walking.  I told them that I don't want to take them there without Dad because it would be hard for me to look for two  on the road.  They agreed to wait but they suggested for us to walk to Starvaggi Park.  We have walked there  for  a couple of times already  and they did fine so I thought, it won't be bad since it is only a total of 2.4 miles from here  to there and back.
I was going to bring bottles of water but decided to just bring some cash to surprise the kids.  We don't really buy  soft drinks or soda here at home but once in a while we give them that as a treat.  Since we were going for a walk, I thought it would be nice to drop by  from the convenient store and buy them  a drink.  They were thrilled  about that when we went inside the store.  
They spent 30 minutes playing in the park and then we head back home since it was  getting so hot.  I wish that we could have went earlier when the heat  of the sun wasn't so intense yet.
We stopped  once on the way back because  my son was  over heating.  I thought it was a cute picture when he sat by the garage sale  sign lol.
When we arrived home, they chilled out by eating some of these fruit chillers.  
They were so proud  of walking 2.4 miles.  We saw one of my  daughter's classmate on the way back and they are probably thinking that we are nuts  for walking that far lol.  My kids doesn't mind  long distance walking since we  always do that with them.  We want them to be strong and fit, it's one of those things that you need to do to live  a healthy life.


  1. That is awesome that you got them out there walking and how awesome that they walked so far! I need to get my kids out there and more active, too!

    1. They are used to walking because we do it almost everyday in our neighborhood during warmer months and when they go to school.

  2. You are teaching your kids a good lesson by getting them out and walking. So many kids just want to sit in front of the TV or computer now days.

    1. I completely agree. Most kids nowadays don't even know what walking means lol.

  3. It looks like they had a really fun time! This is great that you are all walking together and making it fun too.

    1. Yes it is, we make it fun whatever it is that we do with our kids.

  4. Looks like fun! My grandkids often walk 3 miles with me and we have biked 7 miles. I think it's a great way to exercise and have family time.

    1. That's great Alli. we do a lot of bike rides as well but just around our neighborhood. I usually ran out of gas pretty quickly lol.

  5. I think it's great that you got the kids out and about like that. I think there's not enough of that in the world.

    1. Exactly. We have rulles at home, they can only plan an hour with their iPods and that's it, the rest are outdoor activities or reading.

  6. Getting your kids to enjoy activity and exercise is a great thing. It is always best to start while they are young. So they can adapt training in to adulthood.

    1. Amen to that, that's why hubby and I set an example to our kids.

  7. My kids would totally love that park. (though that one thing may give me a heart attack!)

  8. Wow thats great! My kids are huge lover of walks. I wish I could get them to walk so far, if I did they'd complain but its awesome you got yours to! - Jeanine

    1. It takes practice and when they get used to it I am surw they would enjoy it as much as you do.

  9. A 2.4 mile walk seems like a long walk, I think my kids would start whining half way through! lol

    1. For those who isn't use to walking, 2.4 is far but for us it is near. We are used top walking almost everyday.

  10. Our kids love walking with us and the three little ones are learning to love it also. It's a great way to spend some time together.

    1. I agree. Glad to hear that you guys are active too.

  11. My kids always tell me they are "to tired" to do stuff, but I push them to go outside and play, and walk as much as possible. Thanks for the post, and great job keeping them active!

    1. Sometimes boredom can make you feel like you're too tired, if you get them active, they would do so much better.

  12. Walking is super awesome! Great to have them doing some exercise and getting into healthy habits, totally encourage that.

  13. What a fun way to burn off energy with the family. Days like those are just the best!

  14. I cannot stress how important it is to instill good eating and fitness habits in our kids from a young age. Good for you!

  15. Walking is great exercise for the kids too. Kudos to them for walking thst far without complaining too much.

    1. They actually did not complain at all. They were very proud of what they have done.

  16. Oh yes! Walking such great exercise, though my kids act like its torture when we do it. LOL!

    1. Hahaha it takes pracice to love walking. My kids are used to it.

  17. They surely are troopers. I don't think I have the stamina to walk that far. I don't know if I could even walk a mile. LOL.

    1. I think you can, you wouldn't know though unless you try.

  18. It's nice that you're starting them young. This is a great time to bond with kids.

  19. A little over 2 miles isn't too far. That's even easy to cover in some malls too. It's great that you're doing that as it's great for memories and exercise too. :)

    1. I agree with you, I can even do 10 miles in the mall and wont feel tired. Walking outdoors is different thoguh especially when it is hot. So proud of my kiddos because not many kids are interested in walking these days.

  20. It's so great that they love to walk and get in that exercise, it's so important!

  21. That's right, it's so important to get them moving early. It's a great habit to develop young.


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