Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Our 9-MIle Journey to Fitness Part 3 - Downtown Weirton

Even though we have  walked around in downtown Weirton for several occassions, there are parts also that we  have nevered  explored  yet.  Just like the Millsop Community Center, we have never walked  on the other side of it so we never knew that the  wall there has a neat design.  They designed the brick like the Steel Mill.    See what we are mssing by driving all the time? 
Beside the  train track is  the water treatment facitlity.  It stinks   but the sound of water   somehow relaxes you when you walk beside the facility.  It's one of those weird places where you want to  hurry up and pass it because it stinks but when you are so tired, you want to slow down and enjoy the  relaxing sound of the water.
I told my husband that it would be neat to walk beside the train track but he said that he isnot sure if people is allowed there.  He is also very cautious when the kids are around.
Approaching the Muinicpal Plaza building.  The place where you take your driving test, renew license and  other stuff.
See the boys went ahead of us  so I just  took pictures of my willing subject, lol. She even jumped for me, yay!  By this time, we have walked 3 miles already and look hhow much energy she still have .
We finally caught up with the boys, they were waiting for us at the bench.  So this was our  short   stop.
We took some phots in front of the Millsop Community Center since we never had  a picture there.
Our son keep asking "Do we really have tio take pictures?" It cracks me but I told him that  we never did this  before so  I wanted to really document it.  I told him thathe would appreciate  these photos  later on.
Here's a reflection photo f us to end this part 3  post of ourjourney.  The part 4 will be the climb to Marland Heights hill.  You can check the Part One and Part Two of our 9-mile journey.  Tune in and thank you for being part of our journey.


  1. If you enjoy walking seems that 9-miles might not be that long...you guys have a wonderful weather there to enjoy walking along with your family.

  2. He must be getting big because he doesn't want his photos taken. They didn't seem to mind the 9 mile walk. They didn't look tired and even managed to smile in the photos.

  3. What a great walk. Nine miles doesn't seem as far when you have cool things to look at along the way!

  4. It looks like you had quite an adventure! I totally love grabbing the family and going out walking. You never know what you're going to find and you're able to get great exercise in the process!

  5. Wow, nine miles is quite an accomplishment! You saw so many neat things along the way though, so that must have made it go by faster. Still, wow, 9 miles!

  6. I like reading about all of the neat things you discover while walking. I need to do this myself. It is amazing what you miss when you're driving by!

  7. In a city like that, 9 miles probably felt more like 3. I love the greenery there, and they layout is very nice.

  8. I love the fact you include your family when it comes to exercise. It is very important and can give a lifetime of rewards.

  9. It looks like you guys are all having fun getting fit. Family walks like these sound so fun!

  10. It's great when the whole family can get out to exercise. Right now I am missing walking as a family as my son fractured his leg. Hope to get back out there soon.

  11. I love your lively, and lovely family. Also, you look sexy for a mom of two.

  12. Looks like you guys had a great time! Its nice seeing families be fit together!

  13. 9 miles is a long walk but glad you guys did it and enjoyed

  14. It's fun when you exercise with the whole family. How nice that you're starting your kids young.

  15. Aww, beautiful place and very nice shots. Glad to see you guys having a great time!

  16. Ha, I've heard the 'do we have to keep taking pictures' thing too. ;) You made me laugh. You got some great photos!

  17. When we went to Rome last fall we walked everywhere we went. I imagine we did 12 miles a day. But it was so beautiful and so worth it. We do miss a lot of cool things by driving everywhere.

  18. Wow what a nice walk. I love walking, I do it often but haven't ever done anything as long! I need to step up my game! - Jeanine

  19. Walking is great exercise. It is fun when you get the whole family involved. These are great photos.

  20. Looks like a fun family adventure! I love exploring the city on foot - it's a much more unique way to see the things you miss by driving by.

  21. I love to walk to and do so every chance I can. Great pics and gorgeous family!

  22. Wow! 9 miles is a huge accomplishment, way to go! It looks like you guys had a great time, too.

  23. Sounds like you guys had so much fun! I love the pictures you shared!

  24. Looks like fun! Always great to get out with the kids and family and explore on foot. Learning and exercise.


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