Thursday, October 4, 2012

Daredevil Diva

Sometimes I think that both of my kids are daredevils. They love to do things that makes me nervous. Here's one example of a daredevil diva, she learned this from our neighbor. I always worry that she would snap her leg and fall on her back or something but she said that she feels comfortable doing it.  I wish I could be as flexible as a kid again lol.
On the other note, my daughter and I make Saturday our workout day.  While I do the laundry, I spend 30 minutes working with my seven year old who is obsessed of  sating skinny.  Below are the  fitness  equipment we have at the basement.

 This is an old school  treadmill where you literally have to   walk so the rubber mat at the bottom would turn.  It's a good exercise machine, it is just harder compared to the electric one.
 Another old school stationary bike.  I love using this  after I run in the treadmill because it has a built in fan which  gives you  air  when you most need it.
 Our electric   treadmill which I used a lot.  It has different features to make your walking and running  more efficient   
 This is hubby's, I like using it too.  This is good if you want to work on your upper body.
 This is a walking  exercise as well.  Our five year old son love to use it.
This total gym, I am not crazy about so I am ready to give it away.  Anyone wants to have  it?  Just give me a shout out, you can pick it up here.
This bow-flex is the very first exercise machine that  me and my husband bought as a couple.  I seldom use it as you have to attach so many things before you can use it.  Hubby uses it a lot.
 The weight set, bowflex and the treadmill are the ones that we bought.  The rest were given by friends which  we are so grateful about.


  1. I would also worry but she looks very happy up there! Diane

    1. I was too Diane, when she called me and showed me what she was doing, I almost faint lol. Good thing I was holding the camera and immediately captured the moment.

  2. wouldn't take HER on - DANGEROUS!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

    1. I know, sometimes we parent's get very protective and get scared but it's good for them to try things.

  3. Hi Rose, Kids are amazing but we moms always worry about them. Even when they are grown like mine. smile.

    xo, Jeanne

  4. Yeah they are perfectly fine doing such things. I was one among them too many many years back :)

    PhenoMenon, ABCW Team

    1. Me too but even so, I am uncomfortable seeing my daughter does it lol.

  5. Yep, I can see talent here (smile). She is just having fun.

  6. She is having fun but as mom I would worry too...Have a happy day.

    1. Yea I know what you mean. It's the protective side in parents that hinders us from enjoying what they do sometimes.

  7. wow! she is cool! My son also loves climbing the walls...!

  8. Looks like she's having a lot of fun. Nice pic.

  9. Wow ! I should try that too, Mr. G would think I am mad ! lol !

  10. Wonderful shot of your adorable daredevil. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  11. Yeah, that scares me a little bit just to see the picture! But it does look like she's having fun. You know, they've been running that commercial about the Olympics gymnast who climbed up to a ceiling of a store when he was a little kid, so his parents started him in gymnastics lessons, maybe you've got a future medalist on your hands. ;-)

  12. Wonderful that you keep such a fit family!

    Chris H
    ABC Wednesdays
    D is for Detritus (Oceanography)

  13. Wow, no wonder you are sexy and hubby is macho. Hi hi. Dropping by from your's COlor Connection. Following here now too kababayan:)

  14. i had friends who did that all the time. gotta keep hermoving

    1. Kids are very fearless when it comes to having fun.

  15. Kids do not need a normal workout as they are so active at that age. However, as they age (like us), a defined and consistent workout are needed. You are setting a fine example!

    1. I always tell my daughter that but I let her work out a little bit just to make her feel that she is working out with us.

  16. My kids loved climbing in the doorways like that too, especially my daughter. She was never afraid of anything. One summer I arrived home from work to find her on top of the garage. Her father worked at home and was building an addition on to the garage. He had gone into the house for something and when he came back outside she was on the roof. Kids...

    1. Holly molly, on top of the garage, that would scare me so much lol.

  17. Looks like you have a llot of work out things
    Happy PS

  18. You are so lucky to have all that equipment right there at home. Interesting photos. Thank you for contributing to Mandarin Orange Monday:)

    1. The down side of having it at home is that you get lazy sometimes lol.

  19. Haha. Tuwang-tuwa pa! Have a fabulous week.

    Liz @ MLC
    Liz @ YACB

  20. it's a complete set na sis. you could do a mini gym business hehehe BM late visit here.


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