Monday, August 13, 2012

Adaptive Learning Groups You Should Know About

Every child is different, and every child learns differently. Traditional classroom instruction generalizes children and teaches them all in the same way and at the same speed - even though not all children learn from the same teaching methods. It is well known that there are several  types of learners - visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners to name a few – yet the traditional classroom setting instructs all learners the same, with the hope that they will eventually ‘get it.’

Visual learners are typically the types of children that just need to see a concept to understand it. They struggle with oral instruction, and do much better with something visual like graphs or flashcards.  Auditory learners are those that excel when someone is speaking to them, reading to them, or when the child repeats aloud information he or she hopes to retain.

Kinesthetic learners are those who are more hands on. They are the children that need to do something themselves to understand the concept. These types of learners understand concepts better after creating a project, participating in a lab, or any other activity that allows them to physically participate.

Many children that do not understand the concepts in the classroom do not understand why they are not learning concepts as quickly as their peers. Children and their parents may begin to feel as though the child is the problem, not the way they are being taught. If your child is struggling in school, it may not be that he or she doesn’t understand the material, but that they are not being taught in a way that focuses on their individual learning style. Programs, like adaptive learning, take into account that not every child learns in exactly the same way.

Adaptive learning is an online educational method that approaches each child, and each learner, in a unique way that is tailored to their individual learning style. Adaptive learning can be used as a supplement to your child’s daily classroom instruction.

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